Crocker Nurseries

What is the difference between regular Impatiens and New Guinea Impatiens?

As the weather gets warmer and the Impatiens start blooming- many people get confused about the difference between regular impatiens and New Guinea Impatiens and where to plant each. Here is a simple explanation. New Guinea Impatiens are a hybrid and they have been called “sun impatiens” because they tolerate more sun that the standard […]

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Pretty in Pink

Pink is one of the most popular colors in the garden. There are many varieties of perennials that come in pink such as Echinacea, Sedums, Dianthus, Astilbe and more. But here are a few that you may not be familiar with to add to your pink collection. Paeonia ‘Coral Fay’– This gorgeous variety of Peony

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Spectacular Vines

Clematis is a Cape Cod tradition with its showy blue flowers spread over trellis and arbors. In addition to the standard dark blue, there are other unusual flowering varieties that you may not be familiar with. One of the successful growing tips for all Clematis is that they prefer to have their roots cool and

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