Spectacular June Flowering Trees!

Kousa Dogwood Tree Blossoms
The month of June brings warmer days and an entire new grouping of trees in bloom. Here are a few that we would like to share with you.

Cornus kousa- This dogwood is a native of Korea and Japan. It makes an excellent landscape tree and offers a long season of interest. Starting in the early summer, white bracts in sets of four surround tiny green flowers. The flowering usually continues most of the month of June. These flowers are followed by reddish fruit that resemble raspberries and attracts birds. Autumn color is a deep reddish purple. This tree will grow to 15-30 feet with a 15 foot spread.

Cornus kousa
Cornus kousa ‘Satomi’- This disease resistant selection of pink flowering dogwood is a great replacement for more problem-prone cultivars. In June, white-flushed pink buds open and quickly become a rich rose-pink. These bright blooms will last longer than earlier flowering dogwood blooms. This beautiful medium-sized tree will get to a height of 15 feet and 18 feet wide and develops a graceful layered branching pattern that shows the flowers off for weeks. In late summer, strawberry-like fruits hang from the branches followed by handsome red and orange fall color. Kousa dogwoods prefer full sun to light or open shade with organically rich, well-drained soils. They like regular moisture during hot summers. Another bonus is that this tree attracts both birds and butterflies.
Styrax japonicus- Japanese Snowbell is a compact, deciduous flowering tree with horizontal branching and a rounded crown. It is well-known for its pendulous clusters of bell-shaped, mildly fragrant, waxy white flowers that bloom in May-June. The drooping flower clusters are easily visible because of the upward posture of the foliage. The flowers are followed by greenish-brown, olive shaped drupes (type of fruit like a cherry). This small tree grows to a height of 20-30 height and width. It prefers full sun to part shade.

Styrax japonicus

Spectacular June Flowering Trees

4 thoughts on “Spectacular June Flowering Trees!”

  1. Your information is always so excellent. It is interesting and educational and I especially like that you always mention the importance of our pollinators with regard to perennials and other plant life. Thank you!!!

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