Gift Ideas!

Here are some gift ideas to help with your Christmas shopping: 2016-12-12-14-49-34


Gift Baskets

We have a variety of gift baskets for sale. Bee Lover’s Gift Basket:  Mason bee home, local Harwich honey and beeswax moisturizing cream.  Houseplant Gift Basket:  Including a live succulent, watering can, houseplant book, water nanny, and fertilizer.  Gardener’s Gift Basket:  Pruners, trowel and plant identification stakes in a nice terra cotta pot.  Grillers Gift Basket:  In a nice galvanized bucket includes two seasonings, a grill brush, tongs and a grill lighter.  Hummingbird Gift Baskets:  A wide assortment of baskets that include a hummingbird feeder, nectar and a glass hummingbird ornament or an ant moat.

Bird Gifts2016-12-15-13-29-54

With a large assortment of bird accessories including high quality bird feeders, you’re sure to find something for the bird lover in your life.  We have new hummingbird feeders, bird houses as well as nectar and bird seed.  We also have heaters for bird baths to keep the water from freezing.


Garden Shop Gifts

If you haven’t strolled through our gift shop recently, it’s time to come through!  We actually have received a lot of our stock for next spring, so we have all new metal decorations, pottery, fountains and statuary.  In addition, we have a large supply of decorative floor mats and outdoor rugs, beautiful wall art, fairy garden supplies, high quality pruners and tools, garden gloves and so much more.


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