Fall Decorating Ideas

Oh, fall.  The time of leaves changing, mums blooming and pumpkin everything.  It is also the time to spruce up the window boxes, containers and doorways with a myriad of decorative options.  Here are a few ideas to help you decide how you want to decorate this season.

Window Boxes:


As opposed to the spring, in the fall, when planting your window boxes you don’t have to worry too much about planting with room for things to grow.  The cooler weather and shortened day light won’t cause your plants to grow too much bigger than when you get them.  In this case, it’s okay to pack them full.  In this case, there is a mix of a variety of elements.  The most obvious is the hydrangea blooms that have been cut from Panicle hydrangeas (such as Peegee, Limelight, Annabelle, Vanilla Strawberry and more) which will bloom into the fall with some varieties changing color to a pink or red.  These cut flowers last for quite a while after being cut, so they work well as a filler for the window box.  These are combined with kale and cabbage, ornamental peppers, pumpkins, gourds and other decorative items.  If you have panicle hydrageas in your yard already, this is an inexpensive way to create a beautiful fall window box.


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Using an garden obelisk, or even a tomato cage in a pinch, pumpkins and gourds can be stacked inside to create a unique tower of fall colors.  There are so many specialty pumpkins and gourds to choose from creating a variety of fall colors, though you could even do only orange or only white, depending on your decor.  Using a container you can also plant the container with mums, ivy, cabbage or kale to further decorate.



Another fun idea is to stack pumpkins in a container or urn with some cut foliage and hydrangeas at the base.  This is simple and easy to do, but looks great!



This is a fun one.  Using some spruce clippings off a tree, we were experimenting with wreath making for Christmas.  The wreath we made was beautiful and to dress it up for fall, we added a pumpkin ribbon bow and tied on some gourds.  It is definitely a unique fall wreath!

There’s no right or wrong in decorating and the sky is the limit on your own creativity.  We have many displays this time of year to help inspire you to create a beautiful and festive home landscape, so check in often!


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