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Shrubs that Flower February through November
Looking at how you can create interest in the landscape all year round, the first characteristic we looked at was flowering. We have put together an example of a design using only deciduous flowering shrubs that will give you color and interest from February through November.
This planting as shown would be appropriate for a sunny location although some morning or late afternoon shade would also work. You may not have a planting area just like this but you could adjust it to fit your area or add the shrubs to an existing bed and still get the desired effect.
The Plants in the Design
In Sequence of Flowering
Hamamelis x intermedia
‘Jelena’- Witch Hazel
This large spreading shrub brings color and fragrance to the late winter garden when most other plants are dormant. It has beautiful yellow-orange, strap-like flowers with red cups along the branches from late winter to early spring before the leaves emerge.
Seasonal Interest Bonus: Fall color in shades of yellow, orange and red.
Viburnum plicatum tomentosum ‘Mariesii’- Doublefile Viburnum
This horizontally branched shrub produces double rows of white lace-cap flowers in the mid-spring. The flowers are held 2″ above the foliage making it very effective as it travels the entire length of the branch.
Seasonal Interest Bonus: Gorgeous reddish purple fall color and fruit starting red and turning black. Winter interest with clean grayish-brown branches and horizontal habit.
Syringa patula ‘Miss Kim’
– Miss Kim Lilac
This strongly fragrant cultivar of lilac has light purple flowers mid to late spring. It is a compact grower and is resistant to mildew.
Seasonal Interest Bonus: Burgandy fall color
Spirea japonica ‘Walbuma’ Magic Carpet- Japanese Spirea
This compact shrub has lacy pancake-like clusters of glowing pink flowers in early summer. In the early spring the foliage comes out as brilliant orange-yellow new growth. It then softens to orange blushed with chartreuse as it matures.
Seasonal Interest Bonus: Early spring foliage and great fall foliage color.
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Endless Summer’
This compact growing re-blooming hydrangea blooms from late spring through fall. It will give you gorgeous blue mop flowers throughout the summer.
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Tardiva’- Tardiva Hydrangea
This variety of hydrangea is a late-flowering (early to late autumn) cultivar with loosely-packed sharply pointed white flower heads that turn purplish-pink with age.
Seasonal Interest Bonus: Yellow to purple-tinged fall color
Hibiscus syriacus ‘Blushing Bride’
– Rose of Sharon
The flowers on this variety are very striking- starting off a rich pink and fading to white. Growing 10 feet tall and 6 feet wide, this will make a beautiful specimen.
We’ll be coming to the Cape the last weekend in March. will you be open? Hopefully you’ll still have some Endless Summer Hydrangea and some Holly bushes.
Hi! Yes, we are currently open Monday – Saturday 8-4:30, and starting March 31st we will be open everyday 8-5. We will be fully stocked with Holly bushes by the end of March. We do have several varieties of Endless Summer hydrangea that we wintered over from last year, but our new deliveries of these will be in the end of April/early May. Also, just so you know, all trees and shrubs are 20% for the month of March!
Do you sell “quaking aspen” trees?
No, we do not. Sorry.
Do you sell crape myrtles?
Yes, we do. Currently we have Red Rocket, Cherry Razzle, Pocomoke and Siren Red which are all shrub form. Then we have tree form varieties – in clump we have Muskogee and Natchez and single stem we have Natchez. We will probably be getting more in a little later this spring as well.
The blog is amazing, We move into our new home. It has a small opening in the front yard we are thinking to grow some flower plants around it.
I am looking for flowering shrubs to plant in fall so that I get flowering by the end of winter. I got many new flowering ideas from your blog. Thank You!