Crocker Nurseries

Fall Decorating Ideas

Oh, fall.  The time of leaves changing, mums blooming and pumpkin everything.  It is also the time to spruce up the window boxes, containers and doorways with a myriad of decorative options.  Here are a few ideas to help you decide how you want to decorate this season. Window Boxes: As opposed to the spring, in the […]

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Zonal versus Seed Geraniums

What is the difference between Zonal and Seed Geraniums? Zonal and seed geraniums are both upright growing geraniums but they have several distinct differences that you should know before planting in your gardens. 1. Zonal geraniums are propagated by cuttings while seed geraniums are through seeds. Zonal geraniums are genetically advanced plants, propagated with the

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Hardy Hibiscus

Bring on the heat with hardy Hibiscus! One of the showiest late summer flowers to pop this time of year is hibiscus. They are slow to break dormancy but once the heat starts, so does their growth. These plants require full sun and consistent moisture to live up to their full potential, but can tolerate

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Grill Dome

This all-in-one ceramic, kamado-style grill works as good as it looks.  Made from thick ceramic in a round design gives the best heat distribution so food cooks evenly. You can cook anything in the Grill Dome because it smokes, bakes, barbeques, sears, roasts and more!  With its heat control using two dampers, the temperature can be

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Holland Grills

Crocker Nurseries is the exclusive dealer of Holland Grills on the Cape.  In looking for a grill line to carry at the nursery, we went with the Holland Grill because the values of the company align with ours.  The Holland Grills are made in the USA, and the company offers a lifetime warranty on the stainless

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Exciting Echinacea!

You know the heat is on when you start seeing Echinacea, aka Coneflowers coming into bloom. Loving the warmer temperature, the full sun, and good drainage, this is truly a great perennial for the Cape Cod garden.  Another reason to grow Echinacea is that it attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. The rabbits do like to eat

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Outstanding Roses!

Summer is the time to enjoy and smell the roses! Strategically placed roses in the landscape can bring both enjoyment to the eyes and nose. Here is a few outstanding varieties we would love to share with you. Carding Mill- Carding Mill is a fragrant David Austin English Rose. The flower is a combination of

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