Here’s a checklist of things to do to your Cape Cod lawn and garden
____ Spread lime on the lawn (50lbs per 1000sq ft) if not already done this year
____ Fertilize the lawn with a fertilizer such as Jonathan Green’s Green-Up
____ Spread new grass seed starting from Mid-September until the end of October
____ Do fall fertilizing of trees and shrubs – Holly-Tone for evergreens, hydrangeas and any other acid-loving plants and Plant-Tone for everything else.
____ For anything that had disappointing blooms this year, add bone meal or super phosphate now and in spring to encourage blooms for next year.
____ Start planting spring bulbs! A great resource on everything bulbs is
____ If you seeded a lawn in September, you can overseed 1-2 more times
____ Prune back any large, drooping branches of fast growing evergreens such as Leyland Cypress or Wester Red Cedars to avoid winter breakage. Just prune it back far enough to keep it in line with the shape of the tree.
____ Prune anything else that is susceptible to winter breakage
____ Plant your bulbs if you haven’t yet!
____ Cut back all of your perennials, or you can leave them to provide shelter for bees and other pollinators. Though it is not necessary, you can mulch around the plants for extra warmth, but be very careful not to bury the plants under the mulch.
____ Fertilize your perennials with Plant Tone
____ Cut back ornamental grasses, if you’d like, or you can leave them until the spring for some winter interest. Just be sure to cut them back before they start growing in the spring.
____ Apply Winter Fertilizer to the lawn (one that is high in phosphorus, low in nitrogen) to encourage root growth
____Prune roses and hydrangeas if you want or need to – removing dead stems and spent flowers
____For Arborvitae tie the canes together with a slip knot (not very tight) to keep the canes from getting split apart in a snow storm. Use natural jute, not plastic or wire.
____ If you need to move any trees and shrubs in the yard, do it now up until March for best results
I have been following your fall garden checklist from September, It is now November I am seeing a great change in my deserted garden. Roses and hydrangeas have now started growing.