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The difference between Impatiens and New Guinea Impatiens

What is the difference between regular Impatiens and New Guinea Impatiens?

As the weather gets warmer and the Impatiens start blooming- many people get confused about the difference between regular impatiens and New Guinea Impatiens and where to plant each. Here is a simple explanation. New Guinea Impatiens are a hybrid and they have been called “sun impatiens” because they tolerate more sun that the standard […]

Fall is Time for Planting - Crocker Nurseries

Fall is the Time for Planting

Fall is a great time to plant nursery stock such as trees and shrubs. The reason it is a good time to plant is because as the soil cools off in the fall, the roots become very active until hard frost, which usually occurs in late November or December. This is a good time to […]

Ornamental Grasses - Crocker Nurseries

Interesting Varieties of Ornamental Grasses

Ornamental grasses are very valuable additions to any landscape. They give interest in the garden for up to 9 months- emerging in the late spring, giving beautiful foliage texture all summer and coming into bloom in the fall and persisting into the winter. There are few plants that contribute that much to the garden. We […]

Roses - Crocker Nurseries

Everything is coming up roses

We have a beautiful selection of roses available for this summer ranging from the low maintenance and tough landscape roses such as Flower Carpets and Knockout Roses to Hybrid Teas and Floribunda Roses. Whatever your garden is like we have a rose for you. Here are a few roses we would like to highlight: Knockout […]

Pink Perennials - Crocker Nurseries

Pretty in Pink

Pink is one of the most popular colors in the garden. There are many varieties of perennials that come in pink such as Echinacea, Sedums, Dianthus, Astilbe and more. But here are a few that you may not be familiar with to add to your pink collection. Paeonia ‘Coral Fay’– This gorgeous variety of Peony […]

Vines for Cape Cod - Crocker Nurseries

Spectacular Vines

Clematis is a Cape Cod tradition with its showy blue flowers spread over trellis and arbors. In addition to the standard dark blue, there are other unusual flowering varieties that you may not be familiar with. One of the successful growing tips for all Clematis is that they prefer to have their roots cool and […]

June Blooming Shrubs - Crocker Nurseries

Blooming Shrubs for June

As we progress into the summer, we look for shrubs that will continue to bring color and interest into the landscape. Here are a few examples of late May-early June shrubs that are now in bloom. Azalea Gibraltar- This outstanding azalea is in the Exbury group of hybrids. It is a deciduous shrub (loses its […]

Annuals Cape Cod - Crocker Nurseries

A Beautiful Selection of Annuals for Your Yard

  Even after the Memorial Day rush, we are stocked up with an amazing selection of annuals to plant into your garden, containers or hanging pots. We have a beautiful selection of new guinea impatiens, supertunias, calibrachoa (mini-petunia), verbena and many more varieties of your favorite bedding plants and specialty annuals. Here are a few […]

Grow Fruit in Your Backyard - Crocker Nurseries

Grow Fruit in Your Backyard!

What better delight than going out into your own yard at the end of the summer and being able to pick a bushel of fruit that you grew yourself?  Here are a few additional reasons to grow your own fruit and veggies: 1. Improve your family’s health- Eating more fruits and veggies will help you […]

Crape Myrtle Varieties for Cape Cod - Crocker Nurseries

Crape Myrtle Varieties for Cape Cod

If you are a Southern-grown person, you know that Crape Myrtle are amazing trees in the south- all the way down to Southern Florida. It may come as a surprise to you that there are varieties that grow on the Cape. Here are a few of them: Lagerstroemia indica ‘Rhapsody in Pink’ – Crape Myrtle. […]

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