Outstanding Roses!

Summer is the time to enjoy and smell the roses! Strategically placed roses in the landscape can bring both enjoyment to the eyes and nose. Here is a few outstanding varieties we would love to share with you.

Carding Mill- Carding Mill is a fragrant David Austin English Rose. The flower is a combination of shades of pink, apricot and yellow giving the impression of rich apricot. This rose grows into a lovely, bushy, rounded shrub with straight stems, the many flowers nodding just slightly. The strong fragrant makes this rose a must for your garden.

Carding Mill
Mardi Gras- This beautiful Floribunda rose has gorgeous 4” blooms that start out apricot-orange and open to pink tinged with a soft orange and a yellow base. This rose is very low maintenance and has an upright, columnar growing habit, making a good choice for a mixed border or a hedge. It has a moderate peppery fragrance.

Mardi Gras
Love and Peace- This Hybrid Tea rose, unlike many others, is full and bushy with lots of long stems, glossy green leaves and abundant big blossoms of soft yellow blushing to pink. It has a lovely mild fragrance. It is naturally vigorous and nearly always showing color.

Love and Peace

Outstanding Roses - Crocker Nurseries

1 thought on “Outstanding Roses!”

  1. Wow! I am amazed by the beauty of the Carding Mill ! it cannot be compared to any other rose out there.
    I have never seen a rose similar to the Tea Rose, it is curious how I never liked hybrids but this looks fantastic to me.

    Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures.

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